Tubenwurst für Hunde mit Geschmacksrichtung - CHEESY

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Regular price 2.99€
Regular price Sale price 2.99€

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Das Leckerli aus der Tube weckt den natürlichen Jagdinstinkt der Hunde und ist die perfekte Belohnung für schnelles und erfolgreiches Lernen. Dank der praktischen Tube kann das Leckerli, ohne in der Tasche zu Fetten oder zu Krümeln, sauber und schnell dosiert werden, wodurch der Hund nicht abgelenkt wird. 

Aufgrund der besonderen Zutaten erzielt diese Tubenwurst eine hohe Akzeptanz bei den Vierbeinern.

Zusammensetzung der Tubenwurst CHEESY:

  • Gemüse (Karotten, Kürbis),
  • Milch und Molkereierzeugnisse 7,5% (Edamerkäse)
  • Fette und Öle (Rapsöl)
  • Pflanzliche Nebenerzeugnisse (Kartoffelstärke, Pflanzenfasern)


  • Rohprotein 2,4%,
  • Rohöle und -fette 8,3%,
  • Rohasche 0,2%,
  • Rohfaser 0,5 %,
  • Feuchtigkeit: 60 %
  • Nach dem Öffnen kühl lagern und innerhalb von 8 Tagen verbrauchen.


  • Ohne Geschmacksverstärker, Konservierungs- oder Farbstoffe!
  • Aus Zutaten in Lebensmittelqualität
  • Ohne Separatoren oder Stichfleisch.
  • Ideales Versteck für Medikamentengabe
  • Entwickelt und produziert in Deutschland.


  • Als Snack in kleinen Mengen zusätzlich zur regulären Mahlzeit füttern. Frisches Wasser sollte immer bereitstehen.


  • 75 g pro Tube 


Shipping policy

Shipping information

You have the option of shipping within Germany
to choose between DPD and DHL.
For small consignments up to 500 g and a maximum height of 2 cm
We ship with Deutsche Post (only in Germany).

For foreign countries, we send parcels up to 1 kg with DHL Warenpost and larger parcels with DHL Paket international.
For shipping to the EU. Zone 1 over 1 kg we ship with DPD

We have different shipping options abroad,
such as B. Express, DPD, UPS or DHL Premium.
For this purpose we ask you to contact us,
to make precise arrangements for shipping and additional payment.

Delivery/shipping costs Germany 
Small parts up to 500 g and no higher than 2 cm with Deutsche Post
Shipping with D. Post per order from €35.00 costs €0.00
Shipping with D. Post per order up to €34.99 costs €2.50
Delivery time 2 to 3 working days

Delivery/shipping costs Germany with DPD
Shipping with DPD per order from €35.00 costs €0.00
Shipping with DPD per order up to €34.99 costs €3.90
Delivery time 2 to 3 working days

Delivery/shipping costs Germany with DHL
Shipping with DHL per order from €40.00 costs €0.00
Shipping with DHL per order up to €39.99 costs €4.20
Shipping with DHL to Paketshop Delivery per order up to €39.99 costs €4.20
Shipping with DHL to Paketshop Delivery per order from €40.00 costs €0.00
Delivery time 3 to 7 working days

Delivery/shipping costs EU ZONE 1
Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic Show less:
Shipping per order up to €69.99 and up to 500 g costs €5.00 (DHL Warenpost)
Shipping per order up to € 69.99 and more than 500 g and up to 1 kg costs € 7.50 (DHL Warenpost)
Shipping per order up to €69.99 and more than 1 kg and up to 3 kg costs €8.50 (DPD)
Shipping per order up to € 69.99 and more than 3 kg and up to 20 kg costs € 13.00 (DPD)
Shipping per order from €70.00 and up to 20 kg costs €0.00
Delivery time 3 to 10 working days

Shipping Worldwide (Except Switzerland):
Shipping per order up to € 299.99 and up to 500 g costs € 6.75 (DHL Warenpost)
Shipping per order up to € 299.99 and from 500 g to 1 kg costs € 12.00 (DHL Warenpost)
Shipping per order up to € 299.99 and from 1 kg to 2 kg costs € 14.00 (DHL package)
Shipping per order up to € 299.99 and from 2 kg to 20 kg costs € 20.00 (DHL package)
Shipping per order from € 300.00 and up to 20 kg costs € 0.00
DHL delivery time 5-15 business days

Shipping to Switzerland:
Shipping per order up to €99.99 and up to 500 g costs €6.00 (DHL Warenpost)
Shipping per order up to € 99.99 and from 500 g to 1 kg costs € 9.00 (DHL Warenpost)
Shipping per order up to €99.99 and from 1 kg to 2 kg costs €13.00 (DHL package)
Shipping per order up to € 99.99 and from 2 kg to 20 kg costs € 20.00 (DHL package)
Shipping per order from € 100.00 and up to 20 kg costs € 0.00
Delivery time 3 to 10 working days

The buyer has to bear these costs.

If you purchase larger quantities, please contact us. 
We can talk about the shipping cost individually.

All The prices stated on the seller's website include the applicable statutory sales tax (19%).  



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